Tuesday 21 July 2015


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through said...

welcome back everyone learned pocogaming here LMC gaming a especially welcome to allthe new players this video is for you this is a new player guide to those who are brandnew to some manners or and for those free to play players whoalready been playing in might just be missing a few tips andtricks maybe a pick up something here that's going to help improve your gameplay help improve your time in see you can use six theseenergy rooms it's a two-set hit point plus fifteenbut you can put 6 a.m. on Mon your monster you have hit points plus 45 percent so from ounces here farm this is well this is huge fatal here to help goenergy in fatal those are gonna just help you get the game so we already talked about some thedifferent monsters let's go over let's say yes somethree-star my answers what do I recommend of let's look at the collection actuallywhat do I recommend for some the stuff from answers
