Peruvian Maca -? Is one of the roots and tuber crops of higher protein content. Until recent years, this nourishing root of the Andes little or nothing known to the vast majority of the people, of which Peru (except the inhabitants of the Andes) and clearly ignored by the rest of world.Maca (also known as Peruvian Maca or Maca Andina) has a great quality to grow to extraordinary heights: 3800-4800 meters high in the most inhospitable Andes, where temperatures are extreme, from intense heat morning frost at night, icy wind, snow and sustained high intensity of sunlight . In this hostile area where there is little oxygen there is rare vegetation grow only potatoes and maca bitter. There are no trees, no plants only a few centimeters tall.This tuber, insignificant aspect of tuberous root size and shape of a common radish, slightly dried in the sun and maintains its nutritional qualities with high levels of iron in several years storage. It is an excellent food and Incas also used it for its fertility-enhancing action and its effect on sexual behavior.There have been many successful tests of activity manure Peruvian maca animals and humans. In 1980 rekindled scientists from Germany and North America who performed studies of herbs in Peru, interest in its current Maca, name it, some of the ingredients that have been identified "the lost crops of the Incas.": Amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary metabolites.1. Maca - History:

Anthropological evidence is found in the cultivation of Maca in Peru since 1600 f.Kr .. Maca was considered by the Incas as a gift from the gods. They also grow maca as food, Lamač - grown in the Andes used for religious ceremonies and ritual dances. Spanish chronicles report that during the conquest of Peru, animals brought from Spain not play normally at this time, the natives warned conquerors who fed their animals with maca, with what they got levels of normal reproduction. Thus, in the first hundred years of settlement was part of the charges imposed by commanded.With respect to the stretcher, Father Cobo during the colonial era, he said: "Maca grows in the most harsh and cold in the highlands, where there are opportunities for growing any plant food. "2. Maca - morphology and botanyMaca is a biennial plant heights behavior, being self-pollinating, cleistogamous, with a five-month reproductive phase and with a bloom that lasts two roots Meses. MacaRoot: Roots have colors ranging from light yellow to black through brown, purple, etc .. with sizes of 3-6 cm. transverse diameter of 4-7 cm. the longitudinal direction, and a radish (inverted cone). The root is primarily in the development of products. There is no real difference in taste or chemical composition as the color of root.Stem: Short, discreet, like a carrot or radish.Leaves: rosette, made with flanged sheath, petiole length with flattened top. Limbo compound, has a length of 6-9 cm, basal and cauline pinnatifid is slightly reduced.Inflorescence :. Cluster composite and rarely simple. The flowers form clusters, extra hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, green light and small, white pre-flowering calyx and corolla with 4 free petals slightly curved towards apex.Fruit leguminous easy amagrinado. With a single seed in each cell, ovoid, yellowish-red, 1-2 mm. wide.3. Maca - CultivationCultivoLa Maca Maca is grown mainly for its tuberous root is botanically known as hipocolito (eg radish, turnip). The Maca plant has the amazing quality to grow to extraordinary heights (3800-4800 meters) in inhospitable Puna Peruvian where temperatures are extreme: the intense heat from the morning to the frigid cold night.The Puna is a nice, but extreme conditions in this ecological region is rare vegetation, only potatoes grown bitter and Maca. The air containing little oxygen, the sun is extremely intense and very strong winds, it is for these reasons that no trees and plants have only a few centimeters tall.Maca planting takes place from September to December. The seeds are scattered in the fields to be harvested in 6-8 months. After Recolta roots to dry in the sun for 2 months when they lose 75% of its original weight. This slow drying process causes Maca change of taste: a bitter-spicy taste with a caramel flavor. The dried roots can be stored for 4 years without losing its properties.The cultivation of Maca can exhaust the ground, which is why after harvest, allowed to stand at fields 5 to 10 years. The use of herbicides is not necessary that crop and weeds do not grow in the hostile environment of the highlands
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