Habits and behavior can be difficult to change. Therefore, it is the small steps - simple measures - which in time can go and create real and effective change. Get started here ...
1. Work with your body - not against your body.
Your body (cells) hear what you think about it, so as soon as you get irritated, frustrated and angry with your body over it responds as it does, or if you are stressed, overhears signals suppresses etc. then it all along extra work for your body, and therefore has no time / energy to take care of it, it normally has to make sure that you can function in a slim, healthy and happy body.
2. Do everything with joy
So therefore everything you do in the direction of creating a healthy life for yourself, be filled with joy and gratitude. You have to go where you're looking forward to making this one morning smoothie because it just tastes wonderful and you enjoy the effect thereof. Do you have resistance, do not, it will do you no good - the resistance worsens your condition for the worse.
3. Dream!
The more you allow yourself to dream, play, imagine, and use your imagination to lead you into a world where you find that you love yourself, love to eat healthy, treat yourself like a goddess, etc. ., the more you help your brain to create your desired changes. It is not brainwashing that is unrealistic and inauthentic - it is THE WAY in which you can actually create change.
4. It's the thought that counts
Everything starts with a thought, and therefore it is important that you become aware of the thoughts you have about food and healthy lifestyle. Thinking about thinking about that what you eat is unhealthy and forbidden, when you eat it, then there's resistance / negative energy / garbage down into the stomach, and this leads nothing good about. However, if you enjoy and rejoice at this super delicious chocolate cake, whose sweetness is the angel to sing and with gratitude to drop into your stomach, then filled the entire body with happiness and prosperity -that would process the chocolate cake is less stressful for the body than having to accommodate all your negative thoughts about eating an unhealthy chocolate cake.
5. A new habit takes time
Everything from 3 weeks - four months it takes to "install" a new idea or habit in your body. Our thoughts are like a quick little mouse who quickly are going to a certain place - namely to slim country where the carrots and radishes welcomes you and where everything is perfect and as it should be. It is just that our body / brain is like a big, giant heavy elephant that require a more quiet and calm pace, for it to follow. It can not possibly get there at the same pace as the mouse and need more time. Any change must consist of small actions which must be a success, providing energy and desire to do more and are actions that your body (the elephant) can follow.
6. Break-ups with old habits and beliefs
You should set you on that in some areas, you must start over. Here, I believe that you must be aware of what is for some "encodings" located in your system and block your new healthy eating habits. For example. If you have always eaten cornflakes with milk and sugar and bread m jams for breakfast, so it can be difficult to suddenly start eating vegetables instead. Discover your patterns so you can change them.
7. The air and light saturates the healer
Breathe consciously. Many breathing shallow, so the body is kept relaxed and stagnant and must work hard. Breathing slowly and deliberately will get the mind to relax more, purify the blood and will experience increased energy and well-being. Come also like outside, get plenty of light (min. 30 min. A day) and fresh air. Become refueled the energy of nature, feel that you are part of Mother Earth, distinguished presence, breathe deeply and feel that you are alive.
8. Love your body
Any resistance makes everything worse (and more difficult). At the risk of repeating myself (it's just as important!) Then all resistance toward you aggravate your situation. So find everything by yourself as you care about, beginning a mission that makes you fall in love with yourself. Be inspired by Ole Henriksen, enjoy, smile and treat yourself as the most beautiful goddess. Keep - never give up, and reaching the finish line. Set the intention that you will yourself the very best. Law yourself that you will prioritize your health. That is to believe that you are valuable being who deserves good health.
This article is an excerpt from E-book Healthy & Beauty, which you can grab for free by signing up for my newsletter. Here you will find many more good tips that can beautify you and your krop.Nederst on the form.
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