Autoimmune diseases crashing over us like never before. Read ernæringsterapeutens advice on what the proper diet can do for existing health.
Do you know the feeling of sore stiff joints? Or a light unrest in the body that do not originate from thoughts? Do you have functions that are reduced or stopped. For example, a metabolism which does not function normally and maintain your life energy and the body's basic functions. Or do you have an inflammatory bowel disorder with pain and impaired nutrient absorption as a result. Or an autoimmune disorder that attacks the skin, muscles or nerve pathways? Then you have an overactive immune system has attacked you!
Autoimmune disorders are the explosive growth in the West. Unfortunately, there is too little focus on these painful and often debilitating diseases. There are several hundred types of autoimmune diseases. Some are very well known and easy to diagnose. For example, diabetes 1 and sclerosis. Others are more unknown and diffuse. This applies to some of the many arthritis types. They have different names depending on where the immune system attacks.
The last weeks there has been much needed awareness about celiac disease. An inflammatory bowel disease wherein the tissue is broken down in the gut. The well-known celiac disease symptoms are diarrhea, bloating and malnutrition. But often shows the suffering with more diffuse symptoms in our body and health. Many have gone without diagnosis and is week by week more sick of attacks from the immune system. When the war takes place in the gut, we become more vulnerable to other ailments, as this is where we both absorbs and eliminates what we put inboard of more or less good things.
Autoimmune diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, autoimmune metabolic disease, colitis, lupus, muscular rheumatism, etc. is triggered by an overactive immune system.
The cause may be derived from chronic or acute infections such as herpes, Epstein Barr, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, streptococci, etc. Therefore, we must ensure that the immune system is strengthened without it intensifies its efforts towards YOU. This can be done by regulating hormones and purify immune activating substances - you can also stabilize and enable self-healing processes started by involving physical and mental stress.
It may also be undetected and perhaps atypical allergies / sensitivities which activates the immune system. In the US research demonstrates time and again the importance of gluten in the diet during the development of autoimmune diseases. In Denmark, a few hospitals followed the knowledge for some years. For example, in the treatment of diabetes first
Anti-inflammatory diet
Through dietary changes can dampen inflammation, strengthen your digestive system and balance your hormones, so you and your immune system will find the right path in the fight against foreign substances such as the immune system MUST attack - and in turn let you and your cells alone, so you can do what you have to do - clean and create energy and communication between the trillions of cells that make up all over you.
There is food that promotes inflammation and food that dampens inflammation. It is the last type, you must get hold of. You also need to have enough nutrients and it is not as easy as they say in the media. I have made countless diet records and very few have satisfied their needs. In case of illness, there is good reason to believe that more of some nutrients are beneficial. For example those involved in the immune system.
You and us!
We made the cells - but did you know that we have ten times more cells from bacteria than cells from ourselves in and on us? When it comes to the genes we have 100 times more genes than genes from bacteria from ourselves. So all these bacteria which mainly live in our gut, has a very large impact on our genetic expression. They have a great influence on our immune system. 75 percent of the immune system for sitting in the intestine together with the bulk of our bacteria.
Our food should nourish us, but it must also close the bacteria. When they have such genetic power, then it is to stay on good terms with them. Through your food you can decide who in your gut, you will feed.
The hormones
We are regulated by hormones. It is both blood sugar levels, the immune system, mood, metabolism, stress response, blood pressure, and more. Often I madplanlægningen balance in appetite regulation. It is necessary to be able to eat after the recommendations that you are able to feel when you're hungry and when you're full. It is necessary to have the energy. It is necessary that all of these hormonal systems are in balance, as they affect both the system and all the hormones in your body. But it is also necessary for your joy and vigor.
As you can see, the body is a complex interaction and a deep imbalance as an autoimmune disease need a comprehensive or holistic effort. It comes through your food, your smile, your exercise and interaction with your microflora. Medications are unified attenuation of symptoms full of side effects. The right food is clean win win!
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