Hi my dear friends my name is Raj Gupta Am from Chandigarh,i wanna share my true love story with you all,you all know about that if you are in love it feels so good in the begining days of love,i grew up in chandigarh and did my school their,but for higher study i moved to delhi for university study,i took addmission in CA education,days were going good and i was doing my study well
I used to go my institute by local bus daily and one day i was waiting for my bus and suddenly i saw a lovely girl coming from other side of bus stand,i looked at her and she was so cute and beautiful,i was looking at her slowly slowly,then bus came and we tood our but but i was thinking about her full day,i wanted to knwo about her some more that who is she what is her name and what she do here,next day i left my room at 8 but my time of going was 8:30 but i decided to go before because i wanted to note her timing of coimg on bus stand,i reached to bus stand and i was waiting for her, i was waiting but she was not coming andi thought she will not come and i started watching my bus for going to my office,but that time i saw that girl coming fast i think she was late too for the place whereever she was going,she came and stood right to me she was looking so cute i was still looking at her and then she looked at my side and i turned my eyes to other side,10 was gone andi could not talk to her even i could not ask her name hehe it was guilty feeling,one day when i was going in bus that girl was in same but in which i was going,but i saw she was talking to but condoctor about something i tried to hear her words and i heard that she lost her bag and money also,and she was saying him to giver his fee next day,but condoctor told her to pay on that time,i felt bad for her i ask her if can i help her to pay her fee so you can give me that money next day, she thought for a min and said yes after leaving the but she said me thank you ,and give me a hand with her name Aysha oh good her name was so beautiful,i replied to her hi am Raj,we started talking for 1 min she asked me about me i told her am doing CA study, and told me that she workes in a call center,i told her by and i will meet you soon,next day i was waiting for my bus and Aysha came to me and said hi i said hi too, she game me the money the fee of bus for last day but i said not its ok i cant take it plz,she said ok so we are friends now i told her i have no friends in delhi so if you are my friend its so good for my at least am not alone in this city she laughed on my words and said yes i want good friends too,i tood her num so we could in touch in that big city hehe what yar everone wants that to have the num of a girl whom you like so much,i gave her a text of a smile and she replied her a smile too,next day i called Aysha for going together in bus she said ok am coming i was waiting for her from 1 hour that day hehe,so we started going together all the day,one day Aysha told me about a small event in her home and she invite me their that event was after 3 days,on that day i reached at..................

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